Suffolk Artlink improves the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex through the provision of creative arts activities. Last year, the charity worked with almost 3,000 individuals, including children, carers, people with learning disabilities, older people and carers.

Suffolk Artlink improves the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex through the provision of creative arts activities. Last year, the charity worked with almost 3,000 individuals, including children, carers, people with learning disabilities, older people.

The charity turned to Pilotlight to develop a business plan, but six months into the process the director left the charity and Hayley Field and Alex Casey took over. The co-directors attempted to pick up the Pilotlight process where the previous director had left off.

‘We had just got to the point where we were meant to be creating our strategic plan and we attempted to carry on with that,’ says Hayley. ‘But it was just a bit too much to take on while we were finding our feet as co-directors.’

Instead, rather than carry on in the conventional way, the Pilotlighters helped the new team clarify the identity of Suffolk Artlink so that they could think strategically about taking on new projects. ‘We had been through a period of growth and had grabbed work without being clear about why or where it would lead us,’ admits Hayley. ‘The team helped us develop methods to consider more carefully why we were taking on one project and not another.’

Improved clarity of vision has had a positive impact on finances: when the process began the charity was in deficit but it is predicting a surplus this year. ‘This is because we now have a more strategic approach to developing projects and an increased focus on fundraising and broadening our funding base,’ explains Hayley.

‘At one point we felt overwhelmed by our workload and the Pilotlighters helped us clarify our priorities – identifying that fundraising was the most urgent.’

The process has also led to a change in staffing structure, with a clearer division between strategic and operational work.

Armed with a strategically-focused business plan for the first time in years, Hayley feels her team is ready to move on to the next step - a longer-term strategic plan: ‘Now we have the knowledge, practical tools (such as risk analysis) and the confidence. Before, we weren’t thinking in a strategic, business way; as an organisation we have changed enormously.’

Hayley has already recommended Pilotlight to another charity. ‘I think it’s fantastic. You have to be up for the challenge. You have to want to make change and be open because that is how you get the most out of it. The Pilotlighters bring such a different way of looking at things. For us, the process was provocative, stimulating and supportive at a difficult time.’

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