The Parent House opened 12 years ago. It is based in the old schoolkeeper's house at Winton Primary School near King's Cross, London and was originally set up by parents and carers whose children attended the school. It now offers a range of learning and support for parents and carers from the local community and runs a free registered crèche for learners' children.

Why Pilotlight?

When The Parent House approached Pilotlight, the charity was clear about its weak points: self-promotion (ironic given that it works with parents to build confidence and self-esteem) and long-term funding.


"The Pilotlighters were able to give us a more commercial, business-like approach to managing our needs,"  says Linda Trew, acting manager. "They  showed us there are things we can learn from the commercial world and it doesn’t necessarily mean selling your soul."

The Pilotlighters soon spotted The Parent House’s unique selling point (USP): it’s exacting standards. "We have great quality-assurance systems in place and our Pilotlighters felt that every £1 delivered to us will have the greatest reach. We touch people that others may not and those things speak to a funder."

Mapping the competition, putting together a strategic overview and a business plan, and carrying out a risk-assessment, helped tighten up the charity’s fundraising strategy. This has rapidly reaped rewards and Linda has won two bids, including one to cover three-year funding for core costs.

The process has also created a better relationship with trustees. “We now have a common language with the trustees, they have seen our work from a slightly different angle and as a result they are better able to sell the project too."

At the start of the process there were four trustees, on the recommendation of the Pilotlighters this has been increased to nine, easing the burden on the manager.

Seeing what her charity does through the eyes of business experts has boosted Linda’s confidence: "We wanted some tools and a new take on what we do and that has happened. They have given us a clear vision of where we are going and the importance of our work. It has put a spring in our step and given us a sense of professionalism."

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