A call for climate volunteers

There are around 16,000 charities and social enterprises in the UK working for a sustainable future. They are catalysts for action and are full of innovations for turning climate ambitions into reality but as our new research shows they lack the capacity, skills and resources, to do so. 

Our research shows that 100,000 skilled “climate volunteers” are needed to accelerate environmental action in the UK.

With the Climate Change Committee saying the UK is falling well short of its net zero targets, is it possible that the social and commercial sectors could collaborate better to offer this skilled support?

Preview The Conservation Collective charity

Key findings from the report include

63% of environmental charities are actively looking for professional support from skilled volunteers
The skills gap is greatest for smaller charities, where one in two have no business plan
One in three smaller charities have no way to measure their impact

A new practical pro bono programme of support

For the first time in our history, we are widening our work on social disadvantage to develop practical support for 6,000 environmental charities and the one in five social enterprises that focus on climate action and sustainability.

This programme will have a high degree of flexibility, depending on the needs and priorities of partners. ​The core purpose is to develop a climate change capacity building programme, including test projects of pro bono support.​

Business benefits will include:

  • Contributions to net zero action through domestic action in line with thought leadership around a Just Transition ​
  • Lower risk forms of corporate engagement with environmental charities, with a focus on organisational support​
  • Employee engagement and wellbeing​
  • Learning and development, including around soft skills and climate risk​
  • Giving staff an opportunity to do something practical and positive through the firm on climate action. ​

We are excited to announce that Linklaters has partnered with Pilotlight to support the UK’s first social impact programme for climate action. 

If your business is interested in partnering with Pilotlight to deliver pro bono support to environmental charities to drive climate action, please register your interest.

Preview Person in a greenhouse