
The purpose paradox: How volunteering boosts productivity

Nicola Pye | 23 May 2024

Improving productivity growth is the decades old dilemma for UK business. Throughout my whole career, which I’ll be honest dates back to typewriters on desks, it seems that we’ve been trying to crack the code on how to increase work outputs.

The unexpected solution to workplace absenteeism

Ed Mayo | 14 May 2024

Reasons for absenteeism can range from mental health concerns to workplace stress and dissatisfaction. When Illness forces employees to take time off, disrupting workflows, and impacting productivity, these can be costly problems for businesses.

Investing in female leadership

Stacey Carr | 7 March 2024

Pilotlight has the privilege of working with a diverse and inspiring community of female leaders. To celebrate International Women’s Day we asked Stacey Carr, a Pilotlighter via our Ignite Initiative, to share her leadership journey with us and why she believes investing in your leadership development is so important for women.

Supporting LGBTQIA+ charities at Deloitte

Matias Ilivitzky | 27 February 2024

In this particular edition, the focus was on making a tangible difference in the lives of LGBTQIA+ communities. Also coinciding with LGBTQIA+ History Month, the event brought together around 50 Pilotlighters from Deloitte to work alongside three impactful Partner Charities: The Love Tank, Just Like Us, and Living Free UK. 

Simplified access to free support for small charities

19 June 2023

A new initiative to make it easier for small charities to access free professional support is being launched on Friday 23 June, during Small Charity Week by 18 organisations offering skilled volunteering, all members of the UK Pro Bono Association. 

Small is neglected

Ed Mayo | 16 March 2023

The closure in quick succession of the Small Charities Coalition, the Coalition for Efficiency and now the Foundation for Social Improvement have one thing in common. They were among the few sources of direct support for small charities.  

Our largest ever Make a Difference Day

11 August 2020

We are proud to announce that 112 Morgan Stanley graduate recruits, who have recently joined the Institutional Securities Group, will offer pro bono advice to six charities, in the largest giving back initiative in a day in our history.

Pro bono can work for both giver and taker

1 March 2019

Professional accountants are applying their expertise to a range of activities on a voluntary basis, with the Covid-19 outbreak demonstrating just how invaluable these pro bono activities are.