A group of children from Active Fusion charity

Active Fusion is striving to engage more young people in physical activity across South Yorkshire and beyond.

Which programme did Active Fusion participate in?

Active Fusion was a winner of a Weston Charity Award. This provided it with a year’s worth of support from Pilotlight via the Pilotlight 360. For 10-months CEO Lindsy James received the support of senior business professionals, all facilitated by an expert Pilotlight Project Manager.

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the charity?

The charity has had to quickly develop and adapt to meet the needs of its beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How did the learnings from the programme support the charity through this?

COVID-19 hasn’t been without its challenges, but we have learnt to adapt and we have now managed to secure new funding for Active Fusion; a significant win for us!

Lindsy James,
CEO, Active Fusion

The support from the Pilotlighters has given Active Fusion a clearer direction and has helped the charity secure funding from Doncaster Local Authority, Sport England, Awards for All and Children in Need. The support has enabled the charity to fund its PE parent resource pack that has seen 450+ downloads and a print run of over 7,000. Over the summer, it also delivered 6 weeks of sports and activity camps for 4,500 attendees across 6 locations.