Area: London & South East
Category: Health and Mental Health

Colostomy UK is a national charity that offers support and advice to people with a stoma, their families, carers, and friends. The services, general activities and projects provide ostomates with support at every stage of their ‘stoma’ journey, from pre-operative fears and anxiousness to the post-operative recovery period and beyond. It also offers Active Ostomates projects to empower people to return to sports, hobbies and other interests and give them the confidence to take up fresh challenges. The organisation is an advocate for ostomates’ rights and their voice on the bigger issues. Its campaigns raise awareness and encourage organisations to train their employees and make their facilities more inclusive. Supporting and enhancing ostomates’ wellbeing is at the core of everything the charity does.

Colostomy UK participated in the Pilotlight Programme. For stories from the programme take a look at the case studies.