Chris is Vice President of Risk and Assurance at Sage, and is sponsored by Sage to take part in our Pilotlight 360. He’s worked with three charities so far over the last three years. He says his greatest professional achievement is his ability to be relentlessly forward looking, and aims that each new day he improves on yesterday.
Why did you become a Pilotlighter?
I’d previously worked with the charity sector, which I had always found extremely rewarding, and I was very keen to get involved again.
What’s been your biggest challenge?
Wanting to change things directly rather than just advising and influencing. Being a Pilotlighter is about guiding the charity CEO to help them make the right decisions for their organisation. It’s not our role to directly tell them what to do, which I’ve found a challenge coming from the fast-paced working environment of Sage.
What’s been your biggest surprise?
The range and complexity of the difficulties charities face.
What’s your proudest moment?
Seeing the maturing and developing of the fantastic charity CEOs who I’ve had the privilege to work with.
Tell us one thing you’ve learnt through working with us.
I’d say the one thing I’ve learnt is that many of the issues you come across in the corporate sector are mirrored in the charity sector.
Being a Pilotlighter has also helped me develop and enhance my influencing skills, and I’ve taken back this learning to my role at Sage.
Has working with charities inspired you in any way?
Undoubtedly. Working with charities constantly brings a new perspective to my day-to-day activities outside Pilotlight.
Describe being a Pilotlighter in three words.
Challenging. Energising. Fulfilling.